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Sample description
Sample ID: 7167
Anatomical region: head
Organ system: central nervous system
Term: frontal cortex
Sub-term: frontal cortex
Sampling: 2023-05-11 / provided by Lohi lab
Transport media: Not specified
Additional info:
From subject: WLF033
Breed (variant): Wolf
Sex: Female
Age: 4d
Additional info: Puppy from Ranua Wildlife Park. Age 4 days.
Study: Study of gene expression across dog tissues
Description: This project will generate the critical resources to better utilize various canine models to advance both dog and human health.
Status / Visibility: Submitted / Public
Publication: The DoGA consortium expression atlas of promoters and genes in 100 canine tissues. Nat. Commun. 2024, 15(1):9082 (PMID: 39433728)
Other IDs: PRJNA907518
Additional info:
Sample processing

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